Home Cleaning Solutions Using Natural Ingredients
Despite all the attractive advertisements of home cleaning detergents, we all know that they are quite hazardous and can cause serious illnesses. So it’s worth putting some efforts in cleaning your home with natural products. Thus you will not only save a big amount of money, but you will also help saving the environment and what is most important – this will benefit your family’s health and well-being. Here are a few ideas to clean your house mainly with baking soda, vinegar and salt.
- To clean your bathroom or the kitchen space you may use baking soda and vinegar. Mix three parts of baking soda with two parts vinegar apply on the surface with a soft cloth and leave it for about twenty minutes. After that rinse everything with water, you will be surprised how clean and shiny the surface will get.
- You can also use baking soda and vinegar to unclog the clogged drains and to remove the unpleasant odors coming out of them. Take three parts of soda and put it in the drain, pour over two parts of vinegar and leave it for ten minutes. After that pour some boiling water over the drain and voila!
With the same ingredients you can clean your beautiful rug and give it back its bright colours without much effort. Dissolve three spoons of soda and two spoons of vinegar in two liters of water, dunk a cleaning sponge in this solution and carefully brush the rug in one direction only. If you are worried about the smell of the vinegar, don’t. Just open the window and it will go away in no time.
- For your oven take the same proportion of soda and vinegar and apply it on the dirty spots. Close the oven and turn it on at minimum temperature for 15 minutes. After it cools down, wipe with a damp cloth. In the same manner you can clean your iron if it has dark spots on its ironing plate.
- Don’t worry if you burn the dinner, there is a chance to save the pot. Fill it with water and pour some baking soda in. Boil for 15 minutes and after that you can easily scrub the burnt food from the bottom of the pot. You can do the same trick to remove the scale from your favourite kettle.
- If you have high-quality wool clothes that you love wearing in the long winter evenings you will want to keep them good-looking for as much longer as possible. To achieve this just put some salt in the washing machine before washing the clothes. This will preserve the colors and will make the clothes soft and nice.
Should you need some serious cleaning, though, it’s probably best to hire professional cleaners. Sometimes cleaning can only be effective if pro grade equipment and detergents are used. It’s a way to ensure lasting and thorough results, no matter what part of your home you’re cleaning.
Despite all, if you still happen to use chemical detergents for cleaning, it’s really important that you air the rooms after that. Inhaling those toxic evaporations can be very dangerous especially for children and old people. In the autumn you can put some quinces around your house as they are known to accumulate bad odors and smell really nice.
Posted by Rayden Patterson
- Posted in Cleaning Advice
Feb, 25, 2018
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